Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 6 Update

I am really frustrated with my weight. I know I have worked harder than numbers show. And I know not everything is about the number but this week I was really expecting something more after last week having a low number. So this week I did really well overall working out and eating. This is how it looked.

Monday: Total Calories burned: 1200
                 Total Calories consumed: 1490
Tuesday: Total Calories burned: 1000+
               Total Calories Consumed: 1480
Wednesday: Total Calories burned: 1400
               Total calories consumed: 1400
Thursday: Total Calories burned: 700
              Total Calories Consumed: 1550
Friday: Total Calories Burned: 1350
             Total Calories consumed: 1600
Saturday: Total Calories Burned: 1000
            Total Calories Consumed: 2300 ish
Sunday: No Workout
            Total Calories Consumed: 1300

Last week I said I wanted to watch my percentages this week here is this weeks breakdown.
Carbs: 39.7%
Protein: 29.3 %
Fat: 31%
                    So not really what I wanted this week I will work on that again next week. This week was hard because of Arlen's Birthday. I had ice cream and cake which really spiked my fat intake. Next week will be better.

Starting weight: 184.8
Ending weight:183.6
Total weight loss: -1.2
Body Fat currently at 28.8% as of 12/10

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