Monday, December 3, 2012


Today was awesome!!! I did really well with my diet, and I worked my butt off at the gym! 5:45am this morning- 45 min Cardio (30 min Treadmill 18-21% incline and 15 min Bike) 4:30pm Lower body weights 45 min (15-18 reps) 60 min Cardio (30 min treadmill 18-21% incline, and Bike 10-18 resistance 30 min) My legs were dying by the time we finished the Bike, Todd kept hitting my resistance button to raise it, I told him I was going to die! We will see if I can walk in the morning :)

Total Calories burned: 1400+
Total Calories consumed: 1620

Water consumption: I did good drank 7.5 bottles which is just about a gallon! I also had 2 protein shakes with water, for more liquid.

Tomorrow I want to keep up the water consumption and doing a morning workout plus spin in the evening.

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