Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 5 Update

I feel I did really well workout wise this week. I had the goal to do 2 workouts everyday (Mon-Fri), I forgot that my husband had his Graduation party on Thursday night so I didn't make it back for a 2nd workout. and the gym closed at 6 on Friday because of our employee Christmas party, so I wasn't able to workout Friday night either. However I did do extra Friday morning and Saturday. I do feel however that I was able to kick up the intensity in the majority of my workouts.

I also was really strict this week with my diet. Even though I had a few events I still was great with my calories every day. I think the place I can improve the most is what type of calories I am getting, I think I got too much fat this week. Like I said I was following my diet this week, However I do have to improvise to make sure I am getting enough calories. My diet plan just says what I can have, I have to balance the amount for my caloric needs. So instead of choosing Almonds or Peanut butter I need to try to choose a lower fat option some of the time. I totaled up my percentages from the week as a way to track next week to see that I do better. Ideally I should be about 40% carbs 30-35% protein and less than 30% fat. I know that sounds like a high fat percentage but it was explained to me that protein cannot be used properly without fat, so percentage wise it should be 25-30% fats just mostly good fat. her are my percentages for this week
Carbs: 37.5% (next week goal is 40%)
Protein: 31% (next week goal is 32-34%)
Fat: 31.5% (next week goal is 26-28%)

Here is how the rest of this week went:

 Monday: Total Calories burned: 1400+
                Total Calories consumed: 1620
Tuesday: Total Calories burned: 1300
               Total Calories Consumed: 1650
Wednesday: Total Calories burned: 1200
               Total calories consumed: 1600
Thursday: Total Calories burned: 285
              Total Calories Consumed: 1650
Friday: Total Calories Burned: 874
             Total Calories consumed: 1650
Saturday: Total Calories Burned: 1400+
            Total Calories Consumed: 1500
Sunday: No Workout
            Total Calories Consumed: 1580

Starting weight: 186
Ending weight: 184.8
 Total weight loss: -1.2
Body Fat currently at 28.8%

I have posted pics of the change from November 4th to yesterday.

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