Monday, December 31, 2012


Ok so I haven't posted for awhile. It has been an interesting couple of weeks. I feel that I did fairly well over Christmas. I kept to my calories except on Christmas eve and Christmas. I also had my birthday (29th) and New years eve where I didn't track calories. On the 26th - the 29th I worked out really hard and did ok with my calories but not with what type of food I was consuming AKA junk food. So here I am making a clean start tomorrow! I will eat well tomorrow! I am also going to try to work out but I am still trying to find a babysitter so I can workout after work since it is a holiday and kids club is closed and Arlen is working.

I had my Body Fat done again today. I was down .4%  which was ok considering it was Christmas. The last time I weighed in on 12/10 my weight: 183.6, Body Fat 28.8% Today My weight was 180.4, Body Fat 28.4%. I guess for December that is not that bad. Starting tomorrow it is a new year with new goals! I will post a listing of my  New Years Resolutions!! I will mark them off of the list when I complete them!

This month is also going to be interesting because Arlen and I are moving into a house. This just means lots of time spent packing and such and a few days of more difficulty eating. I am really going to hit it this year!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Today went ok. I only did one workout today, Arlen wasn't feeling well this morning and when I went into work this evening I was feeling nauseous, Tomorrow I will get in 2 good workouts!

Total Calories burned: 347
Total Calories consumed: 1350

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Today went really well. I did my 2 workouts and did a little better with water consumption but still should have a little more.

Workouts for today: 5:30am Treadmill 18-% 30 min, Weights 40min (upper body)
                               Afternoon Treadmill18-21% 35 min bicycle 20 min

Total calories burned: 1100
Total calories consumed: 1400

Tomorrow I will also do 2 workouts and eat well!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today went really well, I worked out this morning and this evening and did pretty good food wise. I was a little high on Calories but that was also because of how much I worked out.

 Workouts today: 30 min of medium Cardio this morning and 1 hour weights (abs and legs with the boys   
                            which means it was much more intense than normal.)
                           60 min Spin class tonight

Total Calories burned: 1700+
Total calories Consumed: 1600

I did not so good at water consumption. I will work on that again tomorrow.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Today was a pretty good day considering. I did 45 min walking 21% incline this morning, I had intended to go back to the gym this evening and workout. But Kids Klub was closed so I didn't have a baby sitter, Arlen didn't get home until about and hour before we had to leave for my grandma's Thanksgiving at the Golden Corral tonight. I did really well eating out. I had a large Salad with a small steak and small piece of chicken. I also had a small bowl of Ice cream. Overall very successfull.

Total Calories burned: 587
Total Calories Consumed: 1420

I also did really well drinking water today. I will keep working on that tomorrow! I will also do 2 workouts!

Week 6 Update

I am really frustrated with my weight. I know I have worked harder than numbers show. And I know not everything is about the number but this week I was really expecting something more after last week having a low number. So this week I did really well overall working out and eating. This is how it looked.

Monday: Total Calories burned: 1200
                 Total Calories consumed: 1490
Tuesday: Total Calories burned: 1000+
               Total Calories Consumed: 1480
Wednesday: Total Calories burned: 1400
               Total calories consumed: 1400
Thursday: Total Calories burned: 700
              Total Calories Consumed: 1550
Friday: Total Calories Burned: 1350
             Total Calories consumed: 1600
Saturday: Total Calories Burned: 1000
            Total Calories Consumed: 2300 ish
Sunday: No Workout
            Total Calories Consumed: 1300

Last week I said I wanted to watch my percentages this week here is this weeks breakdown.
Carbs: 39.7%
Protein: 29.3 %
Fat: 31%
                    So not really what I wanted this week I will work on that again next week. This week was hard because of Arlen's Birthday. I had ice cream and cake which really spiked my fat intake. Next week will be better.

Starting weight: 184.8
Ending weight:183.6
Total weight loss: -1.2
Body Fat currently at 28.8% as of 12/10

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Today was a fairly normal Sunday. No workout, Tried to eat pretty clean!

Total Calories Consumed: 1300

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Today went about as expected. I could have made much worse decisions. It was my free day and Arlen's Birthday. I worked out hard this morning with several gym friends. We did abs, lower body and shoulder weights and biked. It was a great workout. this morning I made Arlen Breakfast of Bacon eggs and Crescent rolls, in little pastry like things. I had one without any cheese, and then a cinnamon Crescent roll. After our work out I had a PB shake at the gym and then we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. I also had a small serving of cake and ice cream when we came home. So lots of Calories today, Actually about 2300 as far as I could calculate. I burned about 1000. I will be back on track tomorrow!

Friday, December 14, 2012


Today was really great workout wise. I could have done better eating. I did Hiit training and uphill walking for 45 min. Tonight I did about 20 min Shoulders and back and 60 min biking.

Total calories burned: 1350+
Total Calories consumed: 1600

I didn't drink enough water! I will do better tomorrow! It is my free day tomorrow and Arlen's birthday so I am not even going to count calories! I will get in a 2 hour workout!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today went pretty good. I should have worked out a little harder but I did make it to the gym 2 times. Tomorrow I will amp it up!

Workouts: 5:45am Bike and lower body weights with Zoey. 8pm 15 min Treadmill 18% incline and 15 min bike. 

Total calories burned: 700
Total calories Consumed: 1550

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 !!!!!!

Today was a very successful day. This morning I did 30 min Cardio (18% incline treadmill) 25 min upper body weights. This evening I did 55 min on the treadmill. 25 min HIIT and 30 min 18-21% walking.

Calories burned:1400
Calories consumed: 1400

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today was a pretty good day, I didn't make it to the gym this morning but did do 30 min Upper body weights and 60 min Spin Class this evening.

Total Calories burned: 1000+
Total Calories Consumed: 1480

I did well with my diet today and did drink about a gallon of water! tomorrow will be a long day but I will work hard!!! Zoey and I will do a weight circuit and cardio and a friend and I will do hiit tomorrow afternoon!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Change Pictures November 4th to December 9th

November 4th: 194 lbs 31.1% Body Fat

December 9th 184.8lbs 28.8% body fat

Front Comparison
Back Comparison

Side Comparison


Today went pretty well, even though we had some car problems and had a stressful evening I still made it to the gym.

Workouts: 5:45am- 20 min Treadmill 18-21% incline with 10 min level running @ 6mph. 15 min Bike
545Pm- 25 min abs and lower body weights, Bike 45 min

Total Calories burned: 1200
Total calories consumed: 1490

I did well drinking water today, and I want to keep that going!

Week 5 Update

I feel I did really well workout wise this week. I had the goal to do 2 workouts everyday (Mon-Fri), I forgot that my husband had his Graduation party on Thursday night so I didn't make it back for a 2nd workout. and the gym closed at 6 on Friday because of our employee Christmas party, so I wasn't able to workout Friday night either. However I did do extra Friday morning and Saturday. I do feel however that I was able to kick up the intensity in the majority of my workouts.

I also was really strict this week with my diet. Even though I had a few events I still was great with my calories every day. I think the place I can improve the most is what type of calories I am getting, I think I got too much fat this week. Like I said I was following my diet this week, However I do have to improvise to make sure I am getting enough calories. My diet plan just says what I can have, I have to balance the amount for my caloric needs. So instead of choosing Almonds or Peanut butter I need to try to choose a lower fat option some of the time. I totaled up my percentages from the week as a way to track next week to see that I do better. Ideally I should be about 40% carbs 30-35% protein and less than 30% fat. I know that sounds like a high fat percentage but it was explained to me that protein cannot be used properly without fat, so percentage wise it should be 25-30% fats just mostly good fat. her are my percentages for this week
Carbs: 37.5% (next week goal is 40%)
Protein: 31% (next week goal is 32-34%)
Fat: 31.5% (next week goal is 26-28%)

Here is how the rest of this week went:

 Monday: Total Calories burned: 1400+
                Total Calories consumed: 1620
Tuesday: Total Calories burned: 1300
               Total Calories Consumed: 1650
Wednesday: Total Calories burned: 1200
               Total calories consumed: 1600
Thursday: Total Calories burned: 285
              Total Calories Consumed: 1650
Friday: Total Calories Burned: 874
             Total Calories consumed: 1650
Saturday: Total Calories Burned: 1400+
            Total Calories Consumed: 1500
Sunday: No Workout
            Total Calories Consumed: 1580

Starting weight: 186
Ending weight: 184.8
 Total weight loss: -1.2
Body Fat currently at 28.8%

I have posted pics of the change from November 4th to yesterday.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Today went great! No workout since it is Sunday!!!

Total Calories consumed: 1580

I will have my weekly update tomorrow with my new goals for the week!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Today was an ok day. I didn't eat regularly which means I was actually low on calories, and didn't actually follow my diet plan.

Workouts today: 9am spin class with Elaine, 11:15-12:15 upper body weights with Todd. 12:15 to 12:45 Light Bike workout with Todd and Steph. 

Total Calories Burned: 1400+
Total Calories Consumed: 1500

Ok with water consumption, did not quite reach a gallon. Tomorrow I will not work out but I will follow my diet!

Friday, December 7, 2012


Today was ok, I did really well with calories but it really is just because I didn't eat much until my work party. But it was my free day so I guess that is ok.

Total workouts: 5:20 am- 40 min Cardio (treadmill 30min @ 18% incline and 10 min HIIT) Abs and leg weights with a friend for 60 min.

Total Calories burned: 874
Total Calories Consumed: 1650

I didn't drink enough water today so I will work on that again tomorrow.  I will go to spin tomorrow morning and try to get some weights in!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today did not really go as planned. I didn't make it to the gym this evening so I didn't burn the calories I should have. Because of this I will be going to the gym a little earlier tomorrow and try to do 30-40 heavy min of cardio and a good weight workout! Tomorrow will be my free day since it is my work party and I am making some awesome treats. :) So plan is to eat pretty healthy most the day and enjoy my evening. I will try to work really hard in the morning!

Total Calories burned: 285
Total calories consumed: 1650

Water consumption I didn't track too well, I think I was a bit low. I will do better tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today went really good. I have been really  good at eating healthy.

Workouts today: 5:45am- Legs with Zoey and 20 min Cardio. 1:45pm Abs 15 min Treadmill walking uphill 18 percent incline for 45 min, 15 Min HIIT training with a friend.

Total Calories burned: 1200+
Total Calories consumed: 1600

Water consumption did really good today hit 1 Gallon!

Tomorrow I will work out twice tomorrow. I will do Arms, and cardio with Zoey, and them come back after Arlen's graduation party and do more Cardio. I will also be really careful with what I eat at the party. I am not sure what will be served but I WILL stick to my diet!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Today was another successful day.

Workouts: 5am: 15 min Abs 45 Min Upper body weights 5:30pm Spin class

Total Calories burned: 1300+
Total Calories Consumed: 1650

I almost drank a gallon today, I was about 16 oz short. Tomorrow Zoey and I will do lower body weights in the Am and I will do Cardio in the afternoon.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Today was awesome!!! I did really well with my diet, and I worked my butt off at the gym! 5:45am this morning- 45 min Cardio (30 min Treadmill 18-21% incline and 15 min Bike) 4:30pm Lower body weights 45 min (15-18 reps) 60 min Cardio (30 min treadmill 18-21% incline, and Bike 10-18 resistance 30 min) My legs were dying by the time we finished the Bike, Todd kept hitting my resistance button to raise it, I told him I was going to die! We will see if I can walk in the morning :)

Total Calories burned: 1400+
Total Calories consumed: 1620

Water consumption: I did good drank 7.5 bottles which is just about a gallon! I also had 2 protein shakes with water, for more liquid.

Tomorrow I want to keep up the water consumption and doing a morning workout plus spin in the evening.

Week 4 update!

This week went fairly well here is how it played out.

Monday: Total Calories burned: 1300+
               Total Calories consumed: 1700
Tuesday: Total Calories burned: 1000+
               Total Calories Consumed: 1580
Wednesday: Total Calories burned: 850
              Total calories consumed: 1514
Thursday: Total Calories burned: 700
              Total Calories Consumed: 1520
Friday: Total Calories Burned: 595
            Total Calories consumed: 1574
Saturday: Total Calories Burned: 1000
            Total Calories Consumed: 1800
Sunday: No Workout
            Total Calories Consumed: 1450

Starting weight: 187.8
Ending weight:  186.0
Total weight loss: -1.8lbs

I am some what dissapointed that I haven't seen more # results. However this week with measurements and body change there has been a big difference. 

This coming week I am going to try to go every morning! I also an tracking my water consumption, I want to drink 7-8 bottles a day which is about a gallon. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Today went pretty much as expected. I cut out a few calories because of not working out on Sunday.  Tomorrow I will do 2 workouts!

Total Calories burned (no workout)
Total calories Consumed 1450

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Today went pretty well! I worked out this morning with Elaine and Todd. We did 15 min abs, then an hour of weights (upper-body) Then 30 min on the treadmill, and 20 min on the bike. Today was my free day, I had some cereal before working out and a protein shake after my work out. Then tonight we had family over for a football game and had pizza and Ice cream.

Total calories burned: 1000
Total Calories Consumed: 1800