Monday, January 28, 2013

week update

I have not done well at posting this week. We were without internet last weekend when we  moved and since we got it back on Tuesday I have been busy doing other things. I did really well this week both working out and eating. My biggest problem this week was having a few days I didn't eat enough but I did eat healthy.

Monday: Total Calories burned: 1200
                Total Calories consumed: 1150
Tuesday: Total Calories burned: 475
              Total Calories Consumed: 1460
Wednesday: Total Calories burned: 1200
               Total calories consumed: 1400
Thursday: Total Calories burned: 900
              Total Calories Consumed: 1500
Friday: Total Calories Burned: 850
             Total Calories consumed: 1450
Saturday: Total Calories Burned: 800
              Total Calories Consumed: 2000
Sunday: No Workout
            Total Calories Consumed: 1450

I did work on my water consumption this week and did do much better but still have room for improvement. I still have a lot of work to do at our house but this week should be somewhat back to normal with most the packing undone (especially kitchen and food items). I plan on keeping up with the intensity of our workouts! I will be getting my Body Fat done later today, I will add it to this post later.

Here are some pics from Jeans I have had for the past few years, the Capris I haven't worn for a while but I used to wear them all the time about 3 years ago. The jeans were jeans I was wearing this summer after I had Tioni.

Starting weight: 175 (gained 1lb last week possibly just from moving stress)
Ending weight: 170.4
Total weight loss: -4.6 lbs!!!


  1. You look amazing! Keep up the great job!

  2. Good work Tashina! You are looking great! I definitely will not make fun of you for being afraid of cows... you could out run me and then beat me up!

  3. Great job! You look more comfortable in you're body which is, in some ways, more important than what the numbers are! Way to go on meeting you're goals!!
