Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Wow it has been awhile, we moved from our apartment into a house on Saturday, last week I was busy doing that, I worked out really hard, but needed to be better on my diet. I am not sure if it was stress related but I was up about a pound up from where I was last week. This week I am going to kill it.

Yesterday 1/21 I lifted legs and arms in the morning with 30 min Cardio, and 45 min HIIT Cardio in the evening. I was super busy during the day over at our apartment trying to clean, I didn't really eat until in the evening and only had about 1000 calories.

Today- I did Chest, back and shoulders today. I intended to go to spin this evening at 5:30, but conflicts with work and babysitting made me unable to go. I should have gone in this evening, but I have so much to do and I really feel that I accomplished a lot including making some of the meals for the week.

Total calories burned: 475
Total Calories consumed: 1460

I also roasted some seasoned almonds for snacks. Habenero BBQ, Chipolte, and Ranch flavorings.

1 comment:

  1. What!?! How do make Habanero BBQ almonds? I love those things from the store and buy them all the time!
