Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Results for last 12 weeks!

 12 Weeks ago I started a 12 week Challenge with some friends, It was a way for us to motivate each other to work hard through the holidays. My goals were to loose minimum of 20lbs and 5% body fat! Here are the final results!

                       Starting Stats           Ending stats                  Total Changed
 Body fat:             31.1%                   26.1%                              -5%
Fat Mass:             60.7 lbs                 45.1                                 -15.6                        
Lean Mass:          134lbs                    125.3                               -8.7
Weight:                194.8                     170.4                                -24.4 lbs
Hips:                    48.75                     44.5                                 -4.25
Waist (ABS):        42.25                     37.5                                 -4.75
Neck:                   13.25                     12.75                               -0.5

I was a little disappointed to loose 8lbs lean mass, but there is a possibility that my body fat was a little off today due to dehydration or other things that can cause inaccurate results. However I did reach both of my goals.

Here are the before and after pictures that I took!

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