Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 2 Review!

This week I did pretty good but could have done some things better, I didn't work out on Tuesday, and on Thursday I only did one workout. I need to be better at going to the gym no matter what. I know that being up with a baby all night is a good excuse, but it still is an excuse and I need to find a way to work out anyway. This is what my week looked like:

Monday:  Estimated Calories burned: 900
               Total Calories:1350
 Tuesday:  No work out (family pics)
               Total Calories: 1500
Wednesday: Total Calories burned: 900
                   Total Calories:1400
Thursday: Total Calories burned: 550
                Total Calories: 1350
Friday: Total calories burned: 800
            Total calories: 1550

Saturday: Calories burned: 1000
               Total Calories: 1480
Sunday: no workout
             Total Calories: 1500

Starting weight: 191.2
Ending weight: 188.9
Total weight loss: -2.3lbs

This coming week being Thanksgiving week is going to be rough. I have already set up my plan: I am going to do 2 workouts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then take Thursday off while I am out of town and get in a good workout when I get back in town Friday night, and another good workout on Saturday! I will also try to log my food intake (the best I can) and keep to lower calories even on Thursday.

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