Saturday, November 17, 2012


Awesome work out today! I love working out with friends that push me harder than I can push myself! Elaine, Todd, Jared and I did a little over an hour of weights, then 45 min of cardio! What a great start to a Saturday morning! Tomorrow I am having dinner at my brothers house.  I am going to stick to 1500 calories! It is going to be hard but I know I can do it. I also need to get a little more protein tomorrow than I did today.

Total Calories burned: 1000+
Total Calories Consumed: 1480

I have my plan set up for next week! I am going to do 2 workouts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then take Thursday off while I am out of town and a good workout when I get back in town Friday night, and another good workout on Saturday! I just need to be really good at not over eating on Thursday. It is Thanksgiving and I want to enjoy the holiday, and the foods I love, BUT I don't want it to set me back! 

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