Friday, July 13, 2012


Today was a tough day, I worked out at 6am with Zoey, 35 minuets weights 20 min Cardio. I had planned to go to the gym in between my appointments but ended up without any large enough breaks to run over the the gym. I did do about 20 minuets of strength exercises at home however so I kinda worked out twice just not like I would like. I did well with my diet, I was really hungry last night to I added 1/2 of and extra egg white shake trying to keep my diet healthy. I also was able to go over to the gym and have Chance (personal trainer) take my body fat. I was at 36.7% which was a little higher than the 35% I was hoping to be at or below. Goal for Friday work out once. Arlen is working an afternoon shift and all night so it will be harder for me to make the gym but I should have time right after my appointments. If not I will do 30 min of Cardio at my house. ~Tashina

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