Tuesday, July 31, 2012

7/30 and 7/31

Monday didn't go as planned, Tioni was up til 4am so when my alarm went off at 4:15 to go to the gym I didn't go. I was going to get in a 90 min workout before my massage at 6pm, But had an massage that needed scheduled before that appointment, I had time to do a 30 min workout. I also consumed about 1700 calories (movie popcorn) which didn't help.

Tuesday: Went well :) I worked out this morning at 5:30am doing 40 min weights 20 Min light Cardio. this evening I went to spin, so another hour of cardio.  So today consumed about 1450 Calories burned 975!

Goal for tomorrow 2 workouts ~Tashina

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Today was a good day, I consumed about 1400 calories. Tomorrow I will finish my meals for the week, I will make my Lettuce pockets and rice so I have most stuff put together. I haven't had any red meat for the last 3 weeks so my moose steak was really good! Tomorrow, goal is to work out twice, and stick to my diet except for 1 treat when we go to the movie. (since we only go about twice a year together and I so do love popcorn) I probably will make my own to sneak in so it is less calories. ~Tashina

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Today was alright, I got in a good hour of cardio today, Burned about 650 Calories. I consumed however about 1750 calories so a little above what I have been shooting for. Tomorrow I am planning on cooking some of my food for the week. So goal is to stick to meal plan. ~Tashina

Friday, July 27, 2012


today was an alright day. I didnt get back to the gym for a second workout. but did 30 min of weights and 30 min of cardio this morning. burning approximately 600 calories. I consumed 1450 calories. goal tomorrow get in one good workout! ~Tashina

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Today went pretty well I work out this morning with Zoey. We did about 40 min weights and 15 min cardio. I had a busier day at work and didn't end up going back to the gym tonight. I am really sore from the massages I did today. Total calories consumed: 1450 Total calories burned from exercise: 500 Goal tomorrow Work out twice!  ~Tashina

Week 8 update

This was a really good week. I weighed in today at 198! So -3lbs this week. I worked out really hard and started logging my calories again. That really makes me think about what I am eating if I am not following my diet. I know I worked out really hard this week, and tried to focus on doing more cardio. I will continue that this week. Goal next week is to keep going down! ~Tashina

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Today was another good day, I did well with my diet consumed about 1500 Calories and did an hour work out burned approximately 500 calories. Goal tomorrow is to do 2 good workouts. ~Tashina

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Today was an OK day, I didn't follow my diet but only had about 1500 Calories and burned at least 650 in my spin class my Heart Rate Monitor said 1200 so who knows!!! Goal for tomorrow is to follow diet and do at least an hour of cardio! ~Tashina

Monday, July 23, 2012


Today was a good day. I did go to the gym twice, this morning I did 30 minuets of weights and 30 minuets of Cardio (walking uphill between a 6 and 19 incline) This evening I did 40 minuets on the bike (between 4 and 14 resistance).  So over all 70 minuets of Cardio and 30 Minuets of weights. I had one free meal today but tried to stay close to my calories. I consumed 1530 calories and burned approximately  870 calories. Tomorrow I will go to spin! ~Tashina

Sunday, July 22, 2012


It is so hot today! It makes me not want to cook anything. So I had and egg white shake for breakfast, a protein fruit shake for lunch and a taco salad for dinner. Total calories were 1420. I did not work out today. Tomorrow goal go to the gym twice. ~Tashina

Saturday, July 21, 2012


I went to spin this morning for and hour. That was the only work out I was able to get in today. I did do a few hip/glute strengtheners at home tonight. I consumed 1450 Calories and burned 646 according to Livestrong.com. Overall a good day! Goal tomorrow is to follow my diet! ~Tashina

Friday, July 20, 2012


Woke up this morning and went to the gym at 6am. Did Hit training for 30 min then high resistance biking for 30 min. I also went back after work and did 30 min of weights mostly lower body. I ate fairly well, It was so hot this evening I didn't feel like really cooking rice like I should so I skipped that meal.  I am going to start logging my totals off what Livestrong.com Myplate says my calories and workouts are: consumed 1211 calories burned 706 calories. I am going to go to spin in the morning! ~Tashina

Week 7 update

This week I did not make my goal. I did however loose 2lbs so I am now 201lbs. I think my problem this week was inconsistency. I am defiantly going to work on that this week. I am going to count yesterday as my cheat day already so I will stick to my diet 100% (or as close as possible with work). I need to focus on doing more cardio. That will be my goal for this coming week! Starting today minimum of 1 hour cardio at least 4 days this week. ~Tashina

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I did my workout today. It was a shorter one but it was done. I was busy today making treats for a bake sale tomorrow. I did really good at not eating too much while I was cooking. Tomorrow is going to be a rough day I will work out at 6am with Zoey but probably wont get in another workout. goal is to eat healthy.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Goals met today! I did thirty minuets of weights and 30 of Cardio this morning. Then and hour of spin tonight. I did well with eating also! Tomorrow goal is to work out!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Today was a wonderful free day! So fun to go out to ice cream with Megan and Kati! This morning I was going to do upper body weights, I finished 2 back exercises when Zoey came over, her normal partner hadn't shown up so I did lower body weights with her  I am already feeling it! Then about 10 minuets of HIIT training 30 second intervals. This afternoon I went back and did 45 minuets of cardio. Total work out to day was my 2 hours I had set as my goal! So goal for tomorrow: 100% on my diet, and 2 hours of workouts. ~Tashina

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Toady was a great day! I stuck to my diet 100% !! I also was able to figure out my basic long term goal. I really like to stick to short term goals because the long term seems so far off but I would ultimately like to get my body fat down to between 15 and 18%. It is so hard to know what weight that would be but with my current lean mass I would figure around 140 to 150 lbs. So now that is in writing I will be focusing on my short term goals which I set weekly and daily. Tomorrow my goal is to work out twice (2 full hours)! ~Tashina

Saturday, July 14, 2012


So crazy day, I did not follow my meal plan I did however work out hard before work so that was a plus. My in-laws came up to fix the car and were just finishing when I got off work at 2 so I ran over to my brothers house where my car was, we ended up not coming home til 7:30 PM I took them out to eat for their trouble of coming up and where I made wise choices it still was not my meal plan. Tomorrow I have no excuse! I will do it! However I will not be working out since it is Sunday. and on Monday it is my free day, However I will try to be a little better because I wasn't perfect this week. So Monday I will have a "free" meal and treat but be healthy the rest of the day. ~Tashina

Friday, July 13, 2012

7/13/12 (Friday)

Where to start, today I did not work out. I didn't even really keep my diet like I wanted to. I went to work at 12:30 after eating one meal, planning on eating one at work and coming home to check on the baby and having one meal then having another at 8 when I got off work. I was not able to come home I didn't have time between appointments. Then I got home at 7:50 and went to run the babysitter home, on the way my car broke down...... I got home 2 hours later, by the time I fed the now crying baby (she was so good right until the end) I really didn't feel like cooking. I ended up still being healthier and just had an egg white shake so overall I really only had 1400 calories or so composed of 37% protein 32% carbs and 31% fat (most coming from Peanut butter) So although I wasn't horrible and ate things I should I still didn't have enough veggies and had too much fat. Tomorrow shall be better. I will go work out before work, and I will see depending on what happens with my car if I can go twice as I planned. I will however eat from my meal plan! ~Tashina


Today was a tough day, I worked out at 6am with Zoey, 35 minuets weights 20 min Cardio. I had planned to go to the gym in between my appointments but ended up without any large enough breaks to run over the the gym. I did do about 20 minuets of strength exercises at home however so I kinda worked out twice just not like I would like. I did well with my diet, I was really hungry last night to I added 1/2 of and extra egg white shake trying to keep my diet healthy. I also was able to go over to the gym and have Chance (personal trainer) take my body fat. I was at 36.7% which was a little higher than the 35% I was hoping to be at or below. Goal for Friday work out once. Arlen is working an afternoon shift and all night so it will be harder for me to make the gym but I should have time right after my appointments. If not I will do 30 min of Cardio at my house. ~Tashina

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 6 update

It is so frustrating not having things go as planned and not seeing the results I know I have worked for. Last week did not go as planned. I went out of town Friday evening, and ended up being gone til Monday evening. It was great to be with my family but it is so hard to be gone and away from the gym and my own food (love my mom's food however that is most of my problem). I started my new diet on Tuesday and have so far lost the weight I had gained over the weekend to put me back to where I was last week. I am going to set a pretty good goal for next week. I want to be under 200lbs that would be 3lbs but I know I can do it with this diet I am on. On the workout end I want to do 2 a day workouts 3 times this week and work out at least 6 days out of the week only missing Sunday. I don't have any plans coming up this week so I should be back on my routine. ~Tashina

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I met my goal today! I worked out twice, 30 min of weights and 45 min of cardio. I just had to work out in between appointments today. I also stuck with my diet. I did make sweet potato french fries they were actually really good. definitely different than REAL potatoes but I think I can survive on them. ~Tashina

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Today was a good day. I went to spin at 5:30 this evening. I did really good on my diet today. My egg white shake was actually really good and I cooked and ate sweet potato for the first time. Goal tomorrow 2 work outs! ~Tashina

Monday, July 9, 2012


Today I am starting a new diet a friend wrote up for me. My Goals are going to be:
#1 Stick to diet
#2 Work out twice a day minimum of 3 days a week and once a day at least 5 days a week
#3 192lbs by July 31st


I just came home this evening after waiting for my car part to get here. So I wasn't able to work out today however, I did go grocery shopping for the week. I am starting a new diet that was written by a friend. It is set up to be really strict 6 days a week and have one free day. I am starting that today. My free day will be next Monday for the week. I am still going to do my week updates on Thursday. I will be trying to do 2 work outs a day as much as possible. However I know I will not be at the gym in the AM SO tomorrow Goal is to go to spin tomorrow afternoon and do 30 min lifting afterwards. ~Tashina

Thursday, July 5, 2012


So today was rather crazy I worked out this morning with Zoey. I did 30 min cardio and 30 min upper body weights. I gave a massage in the morning then came home and had a protein shake. I had to be back at work at  2 for another massage so I had a can of tuna since I would be coming home after I massaged and worked out, just my luck that I was booked with 2 other appointments after that so, I ended up at work until 6:30 and didn't work out. I came home for dinner and didn't end up going back to the gym. I met my calorie goal but should have gone back to the gym. I am going to be heading out of town tomorrow night or early Saturday morning so this will be my last post this week. Starting Monday I will be starting a new meal plan that was written for me, so I will have an update then! I will do my best to make good choices at my family reunion this weekend. ~Tashina

Week 5 update

Week # 5 went a little better, I was very good at working out however my diet was a bit lacking. I was down 1 lbs to 203 this week which is a step in the right direction. I  will be heading out of town for a family reunion early Saturday morning I will post tomorrow night about my goals for the weekend. ~Tashina

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Today was fairly good. I did horrible on eating healthy but I did go to the gym twice today.  I did 40 min of weights and 20 min of spinning this morning at 6 then at 11 I did 45 Min of cardio. Not bad for a holiday I will say! I will do better with eating the rest of the week! Including at my family reunion this weekend. Goals for tomorrow: work out twice, stay under 1800 calories. ~Tashina

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Love my girl!
Today was a good day, I was under 1800 calories, and I went to spin. I wasn't able to work out in the morning. But the hour of spin was good! Last night Tioni helped me with my workout here are some pictures!

Tioni is my perfect 11lb + weight!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Today was an awesome day. I worked out this morning for and hour and again this afternoon for 45 minuets. This evening I am doing some resistance training at home for a total of 2 hours and 15 min or working out today. I had a total of about 1850 calories. Tomorrow goal is to workout in the am and go to spin class at 530.