Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Starting weight 199
                Worked out twice burned  857 Calories (walking uphill and lower body weights)
                 Did great with my Calories consumed 1550 (30% protein 43% Carbs)
                                    Goal Tomorrow higher percentage of protein
              Spin Class in the evening 1000+ calories
              Could have done better with calories, consumed about 1560 Calories (35% protein)
                                    Goal Tomorrow 2 workouts (water aerobics and upper body weights)
                       Only made one workout: Water Aerobics not sure how many calories
                       Did well today on calories consumed about 1580 (40 % protein)
                                   Goal tomorrow 2 good workouts
             Weights this morning with Zoey and cardio tonight burned  a total of 640 calories
               Did pretty good with calories today had about 1680 (42% Carbs 31% protein)
This morning, I had Chance do my Body Fat. I was at 32.4% (1 month ago i was at 33.3%) So losing 1% was good however I had gained another lbs muscle. So I am going to be changing my diet up a bit. Chance suggests I do a 40% carbs 30% protein and fat to help so I am  not gaining muscle each time  I will be shooting int he calorie range of 1600-1800. So that will start today. I know gaining muscle is good but I want to be loosing weight so hopefully this will help stabilize my lean mass, so everything I loose will be fat! My goal when I get my body fat tested again in 3-4 weeks is to loose 2%! I know that is way more than I have done in the past but I know that I can do it! that will also put me lower than I ever have been (since I have had it tested).

            I did cardio for 45 minuets. I didn't log my calories but we did have pizza that night so I am guessing about 1800-2000 Calories

Saturday and Sunday- No workouts I was at my Mom's house and didn't load calories.

Ending weight: 198  (negative 1lbs)

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