Thursday, October 11, 2012


5:45am Weights upper body 30 min Cardio 30 min
7:30am Peanut butter chocolate egg shake
12:00pm Oatmeal 1/2 cup
2:30pm Egg shake raspberry
9:00pm turkey pattie and orange rice pot (see pics)

Total Calories: 1450
Total Burned: 500
Today went well over all, I didn't make it back for a second workout today as planned. Tioni has had a fever all day today
Today and tomorrow are days I work from 2-8. These days are really hard because I HATE packing food, I don't like warmed up food very much, So I cook when I get home. I usually eat before I leave and sometimes have a small snack at work.

Watched super-size me today, it really makes you sick at how gross we are as a nation and how much we all eat out! I know Arlen and I have had times where we eat out a-lot. The funny thing is I really like to cook, usually it is just the convenience and being tired and in a hurry that causes us to eat out. We are going to work really hard to not eat out! I have been doing really well, and really want to continue eating healthy!

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