Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Tuesday 10/9

9:30am Egg white shake (peanut butter chocolate)
1:30pm Sweet and sour (see pics below)
5:30pm  Spin class plus Abs (about 1000 calories wohoo!)
6:50pm 1/2 scoop protein
7:30pm Enchilada's

Total calorie intake: 1580
Total calories burned: 1000+
30% protein, 33% fat 37% Carbs

Today was another good day, I went a little over what I was shooting for with calories but I wanted to get a little more protein.

Lunch today, pretty simple to make!

 Green, red, yellow, and orange green peppers, Onion, Chicken (mine was canned stuff that my mom had made) cooked Brown rice (I always try to keep some cooked in the fridge.) I mixed about 3tbls ketchup, 5tbls vinegar, Splenda (about 5-7 Tbls) so it is sweet enough, and about 1tsp soy sauce, in a sauce pan, add the peppers and onions, and a few tbls water, cook for about 3 min add rice and chicken, cook till hot. 

Total Calories: 363 4.6 g fat, 49g Carbs, and 26g protein and Very filling

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