Saturday, June 30, 2012


Today was a good day, I did go to the Gym and did 30 min of Cardio, I had about 1700 Calories. So all in all a good day.  Tashina

Friday, June 29, 2012


Today went as planned. I was unable to go to the gym this morning but scheduled myself time tomorrow that I WILL go. I did good with Calories had about 1600. I have been trying really hard to eat well this week. Meaning the calories I am eating are what I should be eating. I am so tired! I am going to try to get some sleep tonight so I can wake up early in the morning to go to work! Tashina

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Today was a rough day, Tioni has a cold so didn't sleep the best since she has a cold. I decided to suck it up and go to the gym this morning anyway! Zoey and I did 40 min of weights and about 15 min of Cardio.  I then went to work at 9 and didn't get home til about 6, Now I just ate dinner and have to go back for a meeting at 9. I thought about going back to do 30 more min of cardio but It has been an crazy long day and I want to spend time with my baby. I was really busy at work so think I got in enough movement today. Tashina

Week 4 update

This week went about the same as last week, I kept my calories about 70% and was not able to attend the gym as much as I would have preferred since we were out of town. I was still at 204 this morning so I didn't loose anything. This week is going to go a lot better I can feel it! ~Tashina

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Today was another rough day, I was at work til 5 then came home with a whiny baby. We think she might have her first cold so she has just wanted to be held. I was not able to work out today but I did stick to my calories I had about 1770. Tomorrow even though I am going to have a long day, I am going to work out at 6am. I will do my best on calories. ~Tashina

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

back on track 6/26

Today was a good start again. I have done really good today except maybe should have had more Calories. I ate mostly fruit and veggies. I had one protein shake and a serving of chicken with dinner. Overall I ate really light. I had 1450 Calories today, and went to my spin class. So A+ for today :) ~Tashina

Monday, June 25, 2012


So we were out of town yesterday and today so I didn't could calories or work out. Back on the bus again tomorrow. ~Tashina

Friday, June 22, 2012


Today was a different day, I worked form 2 to 5:30 then did chair massage at an event from 6 to 8:30. I meant to go to the gym and work out. But I was hot and in the sun for 2 hours and was really hungry. I was pretty low on calories today, Lower than I know I should be so maybe it was good I didnt work out. I consumed around 1300 Calories. Tomorrow should be better! ~Tashina

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Zoey and I went to the gym at 6am did upper body weights about 40 min and twenty min of Cardio (including hitt intervals which I haven't done since before I was pregnant) I intended to go to the gym again tonight but had a long day at work and a friends birthday party to go to. So today calorie wise I honestly don't know, I don't think it was too high but we went to lunch with Arlen's Grandma who was visiting from Minnesota and had birthday cake so tomorrow I will count my Calories and be under 1800! ~Tashina

Week 3 Review

This week I did not have the results I wanted yet I somewhat expected that,  I am still at 204 Where I was last week. I know I had a stressful week and my efforts were not 100% there but this week will be better! I want to make a more concrete effort to do cardio this week, not just lazy cardio but good cardio! This week WILL be better! ~Tashina

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today, I lifted weights this afternoon for thirty min, I was not able to make it back for cardio as I had planned. I Consumed about 1735 Calories so that was good. I know I haven't gotten the results I want this week. I will do a post tomorrow! ~Tashina

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Today was good.  Spin class for one hour.  Approximately 1760 calories.

Day #19 (6/18/2012)

Monday was a great day, I consumed around 1820 Calories and was able to make it to they gym twice. I did 30 min weights and 30 min cardio in the AM then 45 min of cardio in the evening. Goal Tuesday is to make it  to Spin class!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day #17

Today did not go completely as planned, I ended up working til 12:30 and didn't have time to go to the gym before I had to be home so Arlen could go to work. I did do 30 min of resistance training at home. I did good on calories however consuming and estimated 1750. Tomorrow should be a good day but it is my day off! ~Tashina

Friday, June 15, 2012

Day #16

Today was a long day! I honestly was not able to count my Calories since we went out for lunch for my sister-in-law's Birthday, I think I did fairly well however. I did make it to the gym but only did 25 min of cardio. I did do 5 hours of massage however which does burn calories :) tomorrows Goal is to make it to the gym! ~Tashina

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day #15

Today was a  good day, I did good with Calories and working out. I did 30 min of Cardio this morning with Zoey and tonight did 45 min of Cardio and 25 min of lower body weights. Tomorrow I will work out in the evening Goal work out for one hour!. ~Tashina

week 2 Review

This was a difficult week, mostly only the last few days, but I have not been as successful at working out, I did however meet my calories all but one day. This morning I was at 204lbs which means I lost another 3lbs this week. I really want to make sure I am getting to the gym more in the next week, but with work and the baby it has been really difficult. Goals this week are to try my hardest to do at least 30 min a day and stick to my calories everyday! ~Tashina

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day # 14

Today was another hard day, I ended up working from  11 to 4:30 and then from 6:30-7:30. I used the kids club at the gym for my last massage so I couldn't work out when I had planned. I am working out at 6am tomorrow however. I did well with calories and actually only had around 1650, where I didn't work out today I figure that was good. Tomorrow is going to work and is going to be a good day, I am going to start it out right by working out! I will post my 2nd week results tomorrow morning sometime! ~Tashina

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day #13

Today was terrible. I didn't make it to the gym at 6am because I was up with Tioni from 4am-8am. After work I was going to come home feed the baby and go to spin at 5:30. At 4 I was called to pick up a few massage appointments because our other therapist had been let go. So I was at work until 8 doing massages. When I got off work I was starving since I hadn't had time to eat before I left so I made a really bad choice and ate out. So basically I have had 1910 calories and haven't worked out it could have been worse but now I just need to not eat any crap tonight. It just really stresses me out because I know my schedule is going to be crazy now until they hire someone else. Tomorrow I AM going to go to the gym! I am not sure when but I will make it sometime! ~Tashina

Monday, June 11, 2012

Day #12

Today was another successful day, I had about 1750 calories. I worked out tonight did 30 minuets of weights and 45 minuets of Cardio. Tomorrow Goal work out twice. I will go in at 6am to do weights and cardio and go to spin at 5:30. ~Tashina

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day #11

Today went just as planned! I ate pretty light! Back on track Tomorrow! I will only be working out once tomorrow but I will try to do a longer workout weights and Cardio in the evening! ~Tashina

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day #10

Today didn't go as planned, I ended up only having about an hour at home in between work and didn't get home until 9:45pm. I did go out to eat with some coworkers at buffalo wild wings which is a new restaurant in town. I ate really well and light earlier today knowing that we were going out, I however missed my workout. Goal tomorrow is to eat really light all day to help cleanse. ~Tashina

Friday, June 8, 2012

Day #9

Today was another good day, I had about 1760 calories and Walked for 1 hour at the gym with Kati after work. I did a pretty good job balancing my calories, I have really enjoyed having chicken ready to just throw in the crock pot and cook. I think having food prepared has really helped me eat better. Tomorrow will be a long day. I wont be able to go to the gym but I hope to at least do 30 minuets at home and still keep my calories. ~Tashina

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day #8

Today was a way different day than usual, I worked out this morning with Zoey we did 35 minuets upper body weights and I did 30 minuets of cardio. I ate 1740 calories and had about 80oz of water. I had tons to do at my house today so I didn't make it to the gym after work today. but tomorrow I will do lower body and cardio after work. ~Tashina

Week #1 Review

This week I feel pretty good about what I have done. I only missed Wednesday at they gym since I will not be working out on Sunday. I also kept to my Calories every day, however could have made some better choices. My results have paid off and I weighed in this morning at 207lbs which means -3lbs this week! I hope next week is just as good! ~Tashina

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day #7

Today as I suspected was a bit more difficult, I was at work til 7pm instead of 5, and then had to be back at 9pm for a work meeting. I was not able to work out today, but I did well on eating. I have had 1650 calories so far and plan on having a small bowl of soup again when I get home. I am somewhat frustrated with myself for not having the time to work out, but I know that it is also important that I spend time with my baby and I didn't have much time today. Tomorrow morning I will check back in with my stats for the week. ~Tashina

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day #6

Today was another good day, I did 45 min of Cardio tonight. and had about 1700 Calories. I also did a good job drinking water today. I am feeling good today I think having to evaluate my day has helped me be more cautious. Tomorrow my goal is to just work out, Wednesday is always a harder day for me to work out so I want to at least get in 30 minuets. ~Tashina

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day #5

Today was a great day. I woke up at 6am to lift weights and get in 20 minuets of Cardio, I also went back for a spin class at 5:30 tonight. I bought lots of fresh chicken and prepared it so it will be easy to cook healthy, It is labeled by weight and what type of marinade. This means that in the morning I can pull out a packet of Chicken, and throw it in a small crock pot, when I get home I will warm up Veggies to go with it and I have a healthy meal! Today my Stats were 1740 Calories 40 minuets weights and 80 minuets Cardio. My goal for tomorrow is to drink more water. ~Tashina

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day # 4

Today was a rest day, I didn't workout at all. We were out of town for a baby blessing so I didn't make the best food choices. But I have every intention of being back on track tomorrow!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day #3

Today was a pretty good day, I had a work meeting at 7am so I had to be up and ready to take Tioni to the Kids Klub. After our meeting was over at 8, I worked out for and hour, 30 min weights 30 Cardio. I was able to stick to my calories today and consumed an estimated 1780 Calories. I want to work better at having my calories be healthier calories so that is my sub goal for tomorrow. I feel so much better this week because I know I am doing what I need to do. ~Tashina

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day #2

Today is my 5 year wedding anniversary, this means it was harder to stick to my calories but when I counted up tonight I was at 1780 calories. However good that may sound many of those were not healthy so today I probably failed the eating healthy part; However I did do 30 minuets of weights and 30 Minuets of Cardio. I did do better at drinking water today! Tomorrow I have to be at a work meeting at 7am Tomorrow so I want to make it to the gym to do 1-2 hours of working out before work. ~Tashina