Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Today did not go as planned, Tioni was up last night til about 5am then I had to be up at 7, So with 2 hours of sleep I was in no mood to work out. I was going to go to spin this afternoon but by the time I finished my last massage my headache was so bad I really just needed to take a nap. So instead of going to spin I took a nap. Tomorrow morning Zoey has talked me into going to water aerobics, but I will not be able to work out besides that. I will be really busy at work tomorrow so one work out is all I will be doing. ~Tashina

Monday, August 27, 2012


Today was Arlen's first day back at school, it went well, I went to the gym at 6am did 30 minuets lower body weights and 30 Minuets biking. Then came home and got everything ready for him to go to school. After I packed his lunch and had an egg white shake I laid back down to try to add to my 4 hours of sleep. I know not getting enough sleep has been hard on me the last few weeks as Tioni has been teething. I went back to the gym when Arlen got home from work at 4:30 and did 25 minuets on the bike and 35 minuets on the Treadmill at a 15% incline. Today I consumed about 1475 Calories and Burned about 1000 calories. Overall a successful day! Tomorrow morning will be upper body weights and light cardio and Spin in the evening. I am going to go make more protein bars now!  ~Tashina

Sunday, August 26, 2012

8/25 and 8/26

Saturday was an ok day, I knew I wouldn't be able to work out but I did eat fairly well, Sunday I also ate fairly well, Starting tomorrow I will be back to my strict diet all week! The diet Todd wrote for me for the next 2 weeks is one I really think I will be better at keeping. I also hope that with school starting tomorrow, our family will be on a better schedule which will also help with eating. I am also planning on doing 2 work outs every day, except Saturday. I feel that this week will be a good week! ~Tashina

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weekly update

Today was a good day, I was a little low on calories today only having about 1300, however I only worked out once burning approximately 350 Calories. I have a new diet for the next 2 weeks that I am actually excited about.

This past week I only lost 1lb, I was a little disappointed in myself. I went in and had my body fat tested again today, it made me feel a little better. I was up a pound of muscle, which means I lost 2lbs of fat. I was down a total of 0.6% Body fat, which is better than nothing. I am going to do better this week!! I have done well at working out this past week, now I need to focus on eating well! ~Tashina

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today was great! I was really tired this morning because I was up with the baby from 1am to 445, So I went to the gym about 5:30 did 30 Min of weights (back,chest, tri's) and 30 Min of light biking. This evening I went to Spin! It was a really good class tonight, I was sweating much more than normal. I ate fairly well today, had too many carbs in comparison to protein, but I did stick to 1500 Calories. and burned an estimated 1400 Calories! (spin was the killer!) I might have a little bit more to eat tonight like another 100 calories or so when Arlen gets home. But overall a very productive day. Tomorrow will be interesting, I will workout in the morning but depending on how my Appointments go tomorrow, I may not be able to make it in the evening. If not I will just have a 1/2 rest day. I think I will do light legs and hard Cardio in the morning so if I don't make it back it will be done. ~Tashina

Monday, August 20, 2012


Today was a good way to start off the week. I did well with my diet and worked out twice. This morning I did 35 min Weights Lower body and Tri's, then 5 Min Rowing and 25 Min on the bike. Tonight I did 15 min of HIIT training, then 35 min on the bike. All in All I burned 1190 Calories, I consumed 1500 calories. Tomorrow I will get in 2 workouts and stay under 1500 Calories. ~Tashina

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Week 11

Last week was a little rough, I worked hard, and am back at 198 after gaining a few pounds the week before. I have been really frustrated with my body because I know my hormones have been way off the last few weeks and it makes it really frustrating not knowing where I really am. I am going to work hard again this week and want to loose 3lbs. ~Tashina

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Today went as Planned, I only did 30 min of cardio after work. I was good with my diet, Consumed 1510 Calories burned 360 calories. Tomorrow I will work out twice! ~Tashina

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Today was great! I did 30 minuets of upper body weights this morning along with 30 Minuets on the treadmill incline 12%. Tonight I went back after work and did 10 minuets Rowing, 15 Minuets stair stepper and 15 20 Minuets on the treadmill incline 5%. Consumed an estimated 1525 Calories, burned about 1151 Calories. Not such a bad day, I know tomorrow will be rough, I will be at work from 9-5, and will try to get in at least 30 min of Cardio when I get off work. ~Tashina

Monday, August 13, 2012


Today went fairly well. I worked out this morning with Zoey, 30 min of lower body weights with 30 min of biking, tonight I did 30 Min of Hiit training. Total calories consumed: 1518 Calories burned: 650

Back on track

Last week was horrible, Tioni had a cold is teething, and has an ear infection, so I was getting about 3 hours of sleep at night. I made it to the gym several times but my eating was way off. I didn't even track it. This week is a new week! I started out with a good hour workout this morning, and I will do all my workouts for the week. Mostly I am going to follow my diet and be under 1500 calories every day! I will post again tonight with my calories and total work out! Today my weight was 201 my goal is to be back at 198 by Thursday. ~Tashina

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Week 9 Update

I would say this has been a rough week, I want to name the reasons it was hard but it really doesn't matter. I have discovered that life always seems to happen and I need to be better at making some things a priority, such as cooking my bulk food on Sunday or Monday which just didn't happen this week. These are all excuses and even if they are good excuses, they still are stopping me from getting where I want to go. Now this week wasn't really that bad, I didn't loose any weight but I didn't gain it either. I had my body fat done yesterday and in the past 3 weeks I have lost 3% so I can't complain against that. I know I have worked hard but I know where my issues are.

I know this week coming up is going to be a little difficult, I have a baptism to go to, so we will be out of town Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I will work out Saturday morning before we go and work out Monday when I get home. My plan to make this a better weekend than usual is to take some food with me. I plan to take my egg whites so I can have shakes Sunday and Monday morning, these are really filling and should help make sure I get a good amount of protein each day. My overall goal is to be under 1600 Calories each day, and to try to make good choices with those calories.

I would of course love to loose more weight this week, but I am not sure how much I will be capable of loosing but I just want to go down! I was really pleased to loose my 3% body fat which seemed to validate all my hard work! Big thanks to Chance for being my favorite "pincher" (body fat tester) at the gym! ~Tashina