Monday, May 13, 2013

Forgive my ranting

I know I haven't posted in forever, it is not because I am doing a awesome or am where I want to be. Actually quite the opposite.
Since last summer I have really struggled this may be Tmi but after my last keto run in May my horomones got out of wack, my dr said my body had never horomonaly adjusted  back to normal after having tioni and because I was on low dose birth control. I started having basically a non stop period, he put me on 3 months on high estrogen bc to hopefully help. Immediately my boobs grew and I started struggling more,  I also had insomnia and I was only sleeping 4 hours a night. After the 3 months I was up about 15 lbs.
My hormones have regulated but I am nervous to get back on any bc because of my past issues. After that round of hormones I figured the weight would just come off and when it didn't I started to feel unhappy with myself and started to put more weight on in November.
I am up to around 180lbs and not proud of it. On a positive note in January when I went to get my body fat checked I was pleasantly suprised to be at 18.7% BF lean mass at 146lbs to compare for you November 4th I was 156lbs and 16.2% lean mass 131.5lbs. So my body fat was much better than I was expecting since I put on muscle like I did.
I am so frustrated with myself for putting weight on, I have really emotionally been struggling with it and had 2 people at the gym today say things to me about it. So I guess it is time to change my attitude so now on to my real ranting.
It is so frustrating to let other people's opinions govern how we feel. By this I mean being told you should be ______ weight to be healthy for me that weight is 110 to 130lbs according to bmi (i know it is a flawed system but out is what our society uses) meaning I am penalized when getting life insurance because I am obese right now don't Ya know. But because that flawed number tells me I am obese I feel obese.
My next thing to rant about I guess it is embarrassing but people for some reason think I am pregnant on a monthly basis. Maybe it's because my daughter is almost 2 so it means I should be right? J/k. Just last week someone says oh I didn't know you were pregnant...... Wow neither did i...... Awkward silence the horrible part of that one was it was someone who knows I workout, do I really look pregnant? Don't they know to never ask that question? It just shocks me how much it happens, even this summer when I was the leanest I have ever been.
I was told this morning I need to talk nice to myself it is just so hard to do when people don't talk nice to you. I guess I look at the changes I have made and know I need to get that fat girl out of my head forever or I will never be happy with myself.

My goals: these are what I want:
Get to the point that people can look at me and know I workout, not dink around the gym but really workout.
Not have people think I'm pregnant
Not have people describe me as the big girl.

What is wrong with those goals? I can't control other people I can't achieve those goals

This is what I should want.
Become happy with myself period

I will work on that

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