Monday, May 13, 2013

Keto run before and after results

I recently did a Keto run (basically no carbs, high fat, high protein diet)  I primarily did this to work on loosing the stomach fat. I had my body fat done on day 1 and day 6 I was down .5%. I will have it checked later in the week after my body re adjusts to adding carbs back. Here are the before and after pics.I took the full body ones where it is a little harder to see the differences, but also the close up pics. (sorry for the butt shot!) I wanted to really document the places that needed it. and I really tried to make the poses and positioning the same, I took close up stomach pictures every day to see the small changes I was flexing in all the close up stomach shots since that is what I was trying to improve, Ab definition! for 13 days not too bad!

On a second note I had been having my body fat done every few weeks, because of my fitness level change we decided it was time to change to the 4 point check which is usually considered the most accurate, instead of an illiac pinch it does a stomach pinch right next to the belly button and includes a thigh pinch. I figured this would make my body fat jump up (it was at 21% the way we normally test and have tested for the past few years) but instead it dropped. With a 4 point pinch I was at 16.35%, However.... I know I am not 16% Body fat, but with excess skin and my build we figure a pretty good estimate of what I am is half way between the 2, which would land me 18 to 19%. Body Fat measuring is really about consistency, Which is why I always have Chance do it. We are going to be switching over to the 4 point so I will be saying those numbers and the others just so everyone knows!


  1. Getting a tan for the results picture somewhat obscures the true results.

  2. All that looks different is that you got a tan :/
