Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today was my free day, Arlen and I went out to dinner. As much as I can tell I ate about 2,000 calories. I did Water aerobics this morning I am not sure how many calories it burned. Goal tomorrow do 2 workouts! ~Tashina

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today went really well, Just to let everyone know, I am trying to do something that I can do and work with. I would like to stick to about 1500 calories kinda depending on my workouts today, I did spin which burns tons of calories, I consumed 1550 calories. A little higher than what I would intend but I am happy for it. Tomorrow morning I am going to do water aerobics with Zoey and 5:45 AM! then cardio when I get off work!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I didn't do the update yesterday like I had planned. I weighed 199lbs so up 2lbs from before. I have a cold this week, So it has been difficult to wake up  in the morning, So I am trying to get my sleep. I did spin on Tuesday and last night I did 40 minuets weights and 20 Minuets Cardio. I will go to the gym tonight after work and do lower body weights and cardio. My main goal this next week is to start tracking my calories again, and stay under 1500 calories.  ~Tashina

Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Goals

So the last few weeks have been really rough. I have not been getting enough sleep and have been working way more than I want to, because of that I have been having a hard time working out hard. When I don't workout I seem to make bad food choices, However when I have been doing 2 a days and being really tired I have still not made the best choices. I feel so frustrated because overall I have been doing really well (until this last week) considering my circumstances and I have not seen any weight loss. What is the point of working out twice a day if I am not seeing results (that is my bad attitude opinion) However I know I feel better when I do 2 a days besides being exhausted. I know I shouldn't make excuses because I still have to make good choices, however it really has been really difficult. Because of all of the above "excuses" this is my new plan.
               I really don't think working out at 6am every morning is something I can continue to do until Tioni starts sleeping better. I know that I can do a Monday morning no problem because, I don't work and can have time to nap if Tioni does not sleep at night. I now need to stay up with her most nights because Arlen is in school, and has to be up. I will just do spin and 30 minuets of weights, on Tuesday evening. I will do water aerobics on Wednesday morning at 5:45am with Zoey, I know this may be rough but I think it is possible. I will try to do at least 45 minuets Cardio on Wednesdays when I get off work. Thursday morning I will continue to work out with Zoey, Thursday evenings I will still go do Cardio when I get off work. Friday I will do weights and Cardio after work. Saturdays I will try to get in one cardio session but it will really depend on what my work schedule ends up like.
              If Tioni is sleeping well and I wake up (like I usually do at 5am) I might work out a few other days in the morning But I don't want to make unrealistic plans. I feel that I can do what I have outlined above. I am going to work really hard at eating clean, starting Tuesday, Monday I am going to the fair with my family, I will however do 2 workouts. I don't know what weight loss goes I should shoot for, I really want to make sure I don't gain any weight, and would like to loose at least a pound a week, but we shall see what happens. I will re-weigh in Tuesday morning and start from there. ~Tashina