Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A little History

December 2009
I was over weight most of my early life, as I went off to college I continued to gain weight and knew I wanted to change but it was all so hard to do. I never really motivated myself enough to be able to succeed and I didn't have a full support group with the resources I needed to get the job done. Things changed in December of 2009 I dedicated myself to make a change. At that point of time I was 238lbs. I started counting calories and using my home exercise equipment and after about 6 months I had lost 30lbs it was great to see results.
August 2008
               In the beginning of July my husband and I found out I was pregnant. I decided I would work towards having a healthy pregnancy. Unfortunately I had some complications in September and the baby's heart stopped beating. Our Dr continually told me it was nothing I had done. However I still couldn't help but think if I was healthier maybe it would have made a difference.   After the loss of the baby I knew I wanted to be healthy so I turned back to working out and eating healthy. At around this time, the spa I worked for was bought by the neighboring Golds Gym. This gave me a very crucial part of my weight loss. I now had a free gym membership, and I became friends with several trainers and other active people.
July 25th 2011
July 25th 2011

      Starting at the Gym I was around 210 lbs. I did mostly cardio but started to learn how to do some weights and resistance training. I decided to start the Golds Gym Body Transformation Challenge in 2011 Starting January 7th I weighed 197lbs and had a body fat of 39%. By the end of the 12 weeks I weighed 180 and had a body fat of 32%. I did a lot of weight lifting and cardio and counted my calories every day. July of 2011 I was 168Lbs and super excited at how I was looking and feeling
A big surprise came in early August when I unexpectedly found out I was pregnant again. I was obviously nervous and it took me a few hours to get used to the idea that my life would change again. I worked out 5 days a week my whole pregnancy hoping to stay in shape. unfortunately I was not as dedicated at counting calories and I gained more weight than I had planned. So here I am with a beautiful baby girl trying to cut the excuses and get back on track.

May 30th 2012
May 30th 2012
                                I currently weigh 210lbs I have yet to have my body fat tested again but I will post when I know. My little girl is 8 weeks old and it is time I re-dedicate myself so here goes! I have set up this blog primarily for me. It gives me a place to express how I feel and have written goals and report. I went shopping yesterday so I can begin being healthier. I currently want to stick to an 1800 Calorie diet while I am breastfeeding and work out min of 5 days a week. Wish me luck!


  1. Wow! What a story! Good for you Tashina! I am eager to keep reading. And Good Luck!

  2. This is fantastic Tashina! I am excited to follow along with your journey. I too, am looking to lose some baby weight :) and be healthier. Thanks for the motivation!

  3. You are doing great! I am so proud of you for posting your pictures. I don't know if I would have the courage to do that!!!
